Saturday, November 19, 2011

Why do the leaves on my hibiscus plants feel sticky?

I believe the plants may have a fungus or some kind of insect, but I'm not sure. The leaves are also starting to curl a little. Thanks

Why do the leaves on my hibiscus plants feel sticky?
You more than likely have an aphid or whitefly problem.. The stickiness is caused by the excrement of the insect after sucking the juices from the leaves.. Sometimes this coating will turn black with mold, which is called "sooty mold". You need to treat the plant with some sort of insecticide for aphids and whiteflies.Ortho makes such a product, which is available at any garden center. If you want to go organic, you can mix up a soap and water solution. Make sure you spray the top of the leaf surface as well as the undersides.. This should take care of the problem.. Good Luck!
Reply:Billy Ray is correct.

Just an added note about whiteflies. When you spray they fly off and then come back again. (It drove me crazy). I have found that if you tack a piece of neon bright yellow construction paper to a stake next to the plant, and put double sided clear tape on the surface, you will catch them.
Reply:My Plant went thru this same phase;

and it died.
Reply:Yes, indeed, your plant is likely suffering from an infestation of whitefly or aphids. Fill a plastic atomizer with warm water and then add a couple tablespoons of your dish detergent and gently mix. Take your hibiscus where you can thoroughly wet it, and clean each leaf, one by one, sprayer in one hand, the other rubbing both bottom and top of the leaves clean. Pay attention to the branches as well. If any leaves have dropped off, clean them out of the pot. Let your hibuscus drip dry. Now would also be a good time to give it a treat of bone meal and a good watering, enough that water flows out from the pot, so you know all roots have had a good soaking. Treat again a week later, to catch any recurring insects.

Have fun! Your plant will LUV this TLC!

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