Monday, May 11, 2009

I have exotic hibiscus in pots on my patio.How do you keep the leaves from always turning yellow?

They are in the sun most of the day and watered daily b/c the sun dries it up so fast.

I have exotic hibiscus in pots on my patio.How do you keep the leaves from always turning yellow?
Are the leaves dropping when they turn yellow?? If so maybe they are getting too much water. Could be they are root bound and need to be transplanted or perhaps they are not getting enough water! Check the roots. Dig down as see if the soil twoard the bottom of the pot are dry. If so.,.....pencil in some holes and give it a good watering.
Reply:Plants in pots need to be fertilized evewry couple of weeks in the summer with a well-balanced (10-10-10) fertilizer. Feed them %26amp; the leaves should turn green again..

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